Elementary P.E. Teacher Quickly Climbs the Ladder of Success

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Cassie Ferrell had many offers when it came time to apply for a teaching job after completing her degree at the University of West Georgia in 2012. In fact, she even had the opportunity to choose jobs from three different states. In the end her love of her hometown won out and she chose to teach Physical Education at Ruth Hill Elementary School in Newnam, Georgia.

Ferrell, who has been teaching P.E. at the elementary school for four years, is also a junior varsity volleyball coach at Newnan High School. She quickly made a name for herself as a dedicated and accomplished teacher and won the Teacher of the Year award at the elementary school in her second year there. Now just four years into her career she has been elected the general vice president of the Georgia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (GAHPERD).

“Given her level of dedication and commitment to excellence, I’m sure that becoming vice president of GAHPERD is just one of the many accolades and accomplishments she will receive during her career,” said Aaron Corley, Ruth Hill’s principal.

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While Corley was not surprised by Ferrell’s accomplishment so early in her career, Ferrell says she was shocked because she was nominated by a professor who she said “wasn’t a fan of mine in school.”

Ferrell spoke fondly of Ruth Hill Elementary calling the staff her best friends and the kids awesome. She says that good sportsmanship and trying new things are important aspects of her teaching. She added that even if a child fails dozens of times, the thrill of success is rewarding. Ferrell recalled one child who had tried at least 100 times to make a basket before finally succeeding. “She was so happy,” she said.

Ferrell credited the love and support of her family for her success and says that they are her biggest fans.